Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Meteorological Satellites Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Meteorological Satellites Systems - Essay ExampleThese characteristics formed the basis on which most of the theoreticians becomeed on to provide information about the atmosphere. However, these characteristics ware not enough to provide more precise information about the atmosphere save such information was of great significance in predicting meteorological parameters and conditions. The introduction of computers and mathematical models resulted in an increased demand for observational data that was adequately sampled and authentic both in time and space. This was due to the fact that the atmosphere forecast models depended strongly on the initial atmosphere state that had been reached at through assumptions. weaken data was needed as even after(prenominal) this initial information, there were still many areas that were left without atmospheric soundings that were conventional. Before the discovery of weather satellites, the weathermen work was almost impossible as they were ha ndicapped with very limited information before them about the atmospheres state at any time (Kidder and VonderHarr, 1995). Even after the world war period when observational networks were expanded by most of the meteorological services from different nations, the global vast land areas that were sparsely be as well as the large areas covered by oceans remained virtually blank with regards to conventional meteorological observations. The introduction of metrological satellites was a major meter towards overcoming all these deficiencies. Satellite imagery has since its discovery proved to be a vital information source in forecasting operations. The images serve various meaning(a) functions in the metrological field including a tool used for analysis mostly when dealing with data from the tropics, a vital aid during forecast conducted in short periods before rainfall, cloud, and floods, serves as an input to weather predictionmodels mostly dealing with numbers so as to define initia l conditions, and used to monitor lizard forecast models.

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