Wednesday, October 30, 2019

How is national identity constructed in everyday life Essay

How is national identity constructed in everyday life - Essay Example First of all it is necessary for us to make clear the definition of our subject and its obvious connection with day-to-day life of an individual. In other words it is significant for our study to systematize our definition of a national identity and parts from which it consists. National identity consists of and develops with a help of almost everything that surrounds person during his or her daily activities. Of course we are going to talk about this in general and exclusions like in cases of immigration or living in exile are not among the topics of our research. Every day person deals with problems and issues that guarantee this person’s further existence. All people except maybe some monks in mountains identify themselves with and depend on the country in which they live. These national borders do not always remain final and non-arguable but in most cases for now countries all around the world stay in more or less stable condition. This allows us to talk about formed national identity except maybe for those people who live in regions like Middle East or post-Soviet Union regions where nationality is not formed at all or not formed well. Everyday life consists of our co-existing with all kinds of political, social, cultural, religious and other ideological and traditional ideas and concepts. I suggest to pay each of them attention which they deserve as parts of a basis of our question. Geographical position and ethnic roots predispose the origin of nations. After people became a group the psychological and ideological formation of an identity has been developing and evolving. So the location acts as a starting point for the further establishment of a national character and this evolution of a savage into a civilized citizen is influenced by different factors (Henslin, 2011). Politics and political consciousness of an individual are one of the most important details in the

Monday, October 28, 2019

Green Revolution Essay Example for Free

Green Revolution Essay Interaction between humans and the environment has always had a great importance in the development of humankind; according to Marx, what differentiates humans from other animals is the fact that humans can transform their surroundings to suit their needs, through labor. The Green Revolution is not the exception to that. In times of need the human being manipulated its environment to be suitable for its development, however, the question lingers, how efficient was it, how positive? The Green Revolution, from 1945 to the present, was motivated by the need to increase the production of food to supply for the increasing demand as population grew, to promote national self-sustainability in terms of food. However, during that period the effect of the Revolution have been detrimental to the environment and society: they have damaged agricultural diversity and heritage, damaged the lands, and put at risk food security; also, they have widened the gap between the very rich and the very poor, monopolizing the food industry. The Green Revolution originated after an urgent need to promote food security with a growing trend in global population, as a way to promote self-sustainability and independence. As it is clear in the report given by the Food and Agriculture Organization (DOC 2), in the period ranging from around 1929 (great depression) and 1945 (end of World War II) the global food supply index was below the world population. What this means is that there was literally not enough food being produced world wide to feed the world population. This struggle of human kind to stay afloat in supplying the minimum needs for survival meant that a change needed to occur. The answer, as Dr. Norman Borlaug stated in his Nobel Lecture (DOC 4) was not simply planting more in the developing nations, since the lands in those areas were â€Å"tired, worn out, depleted of plant nutrients†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Clearly, what the document refers is that a new, more effective way of growing food had to be developed. In fact, Dr.Borlaug states that the priority of the developments of the green revolution concentrated in the millions that were lurked by hunger, a large problematic that clearly was under the spotlight. As a proof that the world was prioritizing the deficient food supply is the statement given by President Harry Truman (DOC 3). President Truman was the leader of the most powerful nation in the world at the time, the one with the largest technological developments, and his word was the one that would set the course of the world. This particular speech is vital, since it is the inaugural speech, where he was to set the priorities of the government and address the world with what the United States had as a course for the future. In this speech, he clearly refers to the shocking figure that â€Å"more than half the people of the world are living in conditions approaching misery† and says that the United States will help provide â€Å"technical knowledge†¦ to produce more food† In the speech President Truman refers often to liberty, thus meaning that self-sustainability will provide freedom. This speech is the perfect example, the jewel of the trend that the world was seeing with regard to prioritizing food. The mention of â€Å"technical knowledge† is vital in the construction of the green revolution as a response to the lack of food, with technological developments in the agricultural field. Some have said that the Green Revolution has been a success in improving the food industry, and improving living conditions for everyone; nevertheless the numbers today reflect a mediocre success. Indian minister for food and agriculture (1964-1967) states in an interview (DOC 5) that the farmers of the state of Punjab competed to use the technology that was introduced by the green revolution the best. It is stated with a positive connotation, as to refer to the great feats of Punjab. This seems very positive, however, the most likely reason for this to have occurred is the fact that multinational corporations were kicking them out of the market and they were forced into utilizing the technology that those same corporations were imposing on them. If this were true, which it most likely is, as it has happened in many places around the world, it would discredit the great success that the Green Revolution supposedly is. Furthermore, the claim is that the Green Revolution has brought prosperity, however, to whom, to the ones that were rich already? A perfect example of this negative impact of the Green Revolution is the conversation between Mrs. Dula and the United Nations official (DOC 6), which gives a not very realistic perspective of the impact of the green Revolution and is concentrated exclusively in the sector of the very rich. This document is indeed quite revealing, as the speaker is an aristocratic woman of Mexico, probably a housewife who sees the world through the optic of his husband, a man who earns a salary if the revolution which he works for is successful; in fact, she is most likely part of one of the clubs she talks about herself. The occasion of this statement is a simple conversation with a UN official, probably at some sort of a social event, where the high class is all joined together, with perfectly slanted people who are not really analyzing the global impact of the Green Revolution. This document gives a crystal clear proof of how much the Green Revolution has made the â€Å"rich Mexican farmers† richer probably at the expense of making the poor laborers, poorer, however, this document presents only one, very bright point of view to sell the revolution. With regards to India once again, socially, they sell the idea of improvement, like in the report of the State of Punjab (DOC 9) where it says that the Green Revolution has seen with it the â€Å"emergence of middle and rich peasants† a very undesirable euphemism to conceal the actual situation. This document seems to give a perspective of social growth and development, of a population going for education, yet once again, it seems very idealistic in its tone, when in reality India has totally different conditions. With regards to that, India has one of the largest Gini index’s in the world, meaning a huge social inequality, and has one of the smallest middle classes in the world, which has diminished even more throughout the years, meaning that in reality, India may have had a somewhat positive year, but the general trend is of a very pronounced downturn in social progress, all related to the Green Revolution which is destroying the small farmers. The Green Revolution, in truth has brought more ill than it has brought good, in the environmental and social aspects. Regarding environmental harm, the FAO Wheat Yield report (DOC 1) is very good in demonstrating the introduction of massive scale crops that the Green Revolution brings forth with it. The introduction of these crops damages the lands since they are not prone to such production. The graphs show that in both Mexico and India the crop yields were extremely irregular, and as time passed they have become even more, this is due to the fact that they are not proper to those areas and its planting is something totally synthetic and with complete disrespect towards the natural balance. The article by Dr. Vandana Shiva (DOC 8) reveals how much damage the crops, especially Genetically Modified Organisms; do to the land they are planted in. The â€Å"reduced genetic diversity, increased vulnerability to pests, soil erosion, water shortages†¦Ã¢â‚¬  are effect that will leave marked the land for a long time, as Dr. Shiva states, and are a threat to future generations, which will have totally barren land where it will be impossible to plant food. Dr. Shiva also refers to the social problematic that the Green Revolution is planting alongside its seeds. For instance the fight for water to provide irrigation, previously not needed in India, has lead to â€Å"conflict and violence† and as it has become a worldwide trend, the career for water dominance is â€Å"leading to both local and interstate water conflicts. † This clearly shows how disadvantageous the spread of the Green Revolution has been, since it has brought unmeasured changes that have not been made responsibly, but rather abruptly, causing enormous damage. Dr. Shiva is an Indian Physicist, and being from India she probably has had a very direct contact with the Green Revolution, considering that one of its birthplaces was in fact the State of Punjab. In this occasion she is writing for the Ecologist magazine, a publication read by people with primary interest in the environmental issues, including organization leaders and maybe politicians who will probably get concerned, especially due to the tone of annoyance and hatred that she employs in the article. Expanding on social implications, the Guatemalan National Coordinating Committee of Indigenous peasants (DOC 10) gives a different perspective. Although it may sound somewhat as mysticism from indigenous people, saying that they have contaminated the seeds is not a joke, considering the hormones that can be found in GMO plantations. This also acknowledges a vital issue, the loss of diversity and heritage that society is killing with the systematic Green Revolution trends, like the Mayan traditions, which have been present for â€Å"five thousand years. Furthermore, the social disaster does not stop there, but stumbles over women, which according to the FAO Newsletter (DOC 7) have been forced to change their job. In this case the implications have made woman, traditionally in other roles, have even less opportunities to succeed, as the increased need for cash income made the woman be forced to work. This implies a social catastrophe since it denies the right of woman to equal opportunities, which are stripped off with the Green Revolution, which makes them simply one more laborer forced to work. Additional to the information presented in the documents it would be vital to contain the point of view of a small scale male farmer that has to compete with the multinational corporations, which have been installed after the start of the Green Revolution circa 1945. This would be important since it would show the first hand effects of the monopolies that the Green Revolution has brought, with regards to the social impact it has made, and whether that impact is positive or negative. As discussed throughout the essay, the Green Revolution, which has lasted from 1945 until the present day, was originated with a need to secure food production in a starving world. However its effects were not so positive, since today many starve, and the Green Revolution has damaged the environment and widened the gap between the social classes. The setup of crops that have give no benefit to the places in which they are grown, with complete disregard to the ecological balance that was being destroyed have caused issues ranging from soil erosion to water shortages and crops with pest vulnerability. The Green Revolution has also made the rich farmers richer at the cost of the poor being poorer, since the costs of the new technologies are not easily accessible, but the yields that they provide take the small farmers out of business. In general, although certain governments sponsor the Green Revolution and make it seem positive, it has brought about large changes in the way humans interact with the environment, with a generalized destruction of it to get short-term solutions to the problem of food shortages.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Deer Hunting: A Family Tradition Essay -- Personal Narrative

Since the beginning of time man has been hunting animals for food. Even before fire, man needed to hunt, because hunting was the only way to eat. At first man used things such as spears and rocks to kill its prey. As man evolved, they started using bows and arrows. Next came an early model of what we use today, the firearm. It is powerful yet easy to carry around. It puts the animal through less suffering and is a lot more efficient than previous techniques. Hunting was once a necessity, but now it is a tradition, passed on from father to son as a way to spend time together, enjoy the outdoors, and experience what our ancestors went through in hunting their dinner. Since it is considered a sport some think we are killing off the deer population, when in actuality, â€Å"While most other big-game species have declined with the spread of urbanization, the whitetail has been able to adapt to its ever-changing environment. Through the efforts of state agencies and conservati on groups like Whitetails Unlimited, wildlife officials estimate today’s whitetail population to exceed 30 million† ( For as long as I can remember, the week after Thanksgiving my father would get up even earlier than usual, get all bundled up in his camouflage clothes, and head up into the woods bright and early. I wasn’t exactly sure why this morning routine was so mundane compared to his usual work day routine, but as I grew older I would begin to understand. Time went on and I finally learned where he was going, though I still didn’t exactly know why he was going hunting. At the age of 12 my Dad told me I would finally be able to go hunting with him, if I wanted. Although a pistol can be used, a... ...ns we had plenty of time to talk about things, but I also had time to sit and think about things for myself in the calm outdoors. That first day of hunting proved to me that hunting is one of the most fun and enjoyable things to do, along with an emotional experience, as long as it is done safety. Works Cited â€Å"Ignoring hunter safety can be a fatal mistake.† Times-Picayune. 13 Nov. 2013. 36. Kathman, Margaret. â€Å"A Reluctant Deer Hunter.† September 7, 2013, Blog Web. 4 Dec. 2013. Feinman, Ron. Personal. Web. 4 Dec. 2013. Slinksy, Jim â€Å"The Perfect Deer Rifle.† Web. 4 Dec. 2013. . The Ultimate Hunting Network. Web. 4 Dec. 2013. . Whitetails Unlimited. Web. 4 Dec. 2013. . Deer Hunting: A Family Tradition Essay -- Personal Narrative Since the beginning of time man has been hunting animals for food. Even before fire, man needed to hunt, because hunting was the only way to eat. At first man used things such as spears and rocks to kill its prey. As man evolved, they started using bows and arrows. Next came an early model of what we use today, the firearm. It is powerful yet easy to carry around. It puts the animal through less suffering and is a lot more efficient than previous techniques. Hunting was once a necessity, but now it is a tradition, passed on from father to son as a way to spend time together, enjoy the outdoors, and experience what our ancestors went through in hunting their dinner. Since it is considered a sport some think we are killing off the deer population, when in actuality, â€Å"While most other big-game species have declined with the spread of urbanization, the whitetail has been able to adapt to its ever-changing environment. Through the efforts of state agencies and conservati on groups like Whitetails Unlimited, wildlife officials estimate today’s whitetail population to exceed 30 million† ( For as long as I can remember, the week after Thanksgiving my father would get up even earlier than usual, get all bundled up in his camouflage clothes, and head up into the woods bright and early. I wasn’t exactly sure why this morning routine was so mundane compared to his usual work day routine, but as I grew older I would begin to understand. Time went on and I finally learned where he was going, though I still didn’t exactly know why he was going hunting. At the age of 12 my Dad told me I would finally be able to go hunting with him, if I wanted. Although a pistol can be used, a... ...ns we had plenty of time to talk about things, but I also had time to sit and think about things for myself in the calm outdoors. That first day of hunting proved to me that hunting is one of the most fun and enjoyable things to do, along with an emotional experience, as long as it is done safety. Works Cited â€Å"Ignoring hunter safety can be a fatal mistake.† Times-Picayune. 13 Nov. 2013. 36. Kathman, Margaret. â€Å"A Reluctant Deer Hunter.† September 7, 2013, Blog Web. 4 Dec. 2013. Feinman, Ron. Personal. Web. 4 Dec. 2013. Slinksy, Jim â€Å"The Perfect Deer Rifle.† Web. 4 Dec. 2013. . The Ultimate Hunting Network. Web. 4 Dec. 2013. . Whitetails Unlimited. Web. 4 Dec. 2013. .

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Educating Special Needs Students

When it comes to special education, this belief really needs to be a true one because special education teachers will have to deal not only with behavioral students or students with high functioning disabilities but they will also be dealing with autistic students and students with severe intellectual disabilities (Grand Canyon University Course Material 2010).With the basic teaching principle â€Å"all students can learn†, teachers will enable themselves to find ways to help the students in learning social and life skills, get prepared to be independent, get a job and to enjoy quality of life regardless of their disabilities (Grand Canyon University Course Material 2010). Individuals with disabilities can show their frustration with anger, they can feel hopelessness, helplessness and have a sensation of disgust, fear and pity.Many times advocates, educators and even professionals fail by countermanding individuals with disabilities by not properly identifying the intellectual disability. The American Association on Intellectual Developmental Disability (AID, 2008) explains that Intellectual disability is defined as sub-average intellectual functioning but it also should include â€Å"resultant deficits in adaptive behaviors and its occurrence during the developmental period† (Grand Canyon Leistering Course Material 2010).All three conditions must be present in order to determine that intellectual disability is present in the individual. Sub-average intellectual functioning offers to intelligence which is consider as a hypothetical construct difficult to define and is tested with a method called Intelligence Quotient or IQ which consists of several questions and problem solving that gives scores up to 100. Adaptive behavior refers as to the ability of the individual adaptation to the environment and the changes that may come with it.And the third characteristic is the occurrence of a traumatic event which happens to an individual during the develo pmental period which is before turning 18. IQ tests are considered a reliable source of information but according to IDEA 004, â€Å"IQ scores can't be considered the determinant of intellectual disability. Individual personal characteristics and circumstances, cultural bias and low correlation between IQ tests remain issues; moreover a person's IQ changes over time and data over the test provides little and inaccurate information for instruction.Consequently, other definitions focus on individualized needs for supports†. According to AID (2008) causes of intellectual disabilities which happens during the developmental period, may include maternal infections like rubella, syphilis and taxonomists also because of intoxication's like rugs, alcohol, environmental hazards and incompetent blood type transfusions. Chromosomal abnormalities like Downs syndrome. Among others (Grand Canyon University Course Material 2010). Protecting Workers with Developmental Disabilities PAD (n. . ) say that people with mild disabilities can learn academics and vocational skills, those with moderate to severe disabilities can learn basic safe hygiene and self care skills along with social and communication skills and those with profound developmental skills can learn self care skills as well but they may need constant supervision and care†. The majority of the persons with disabilities are capable of learning, develop and grow, and they can become great productive an full participative citizens of the community.With appropriate education and accommodated lesson plans all students should be able to learn. One way to teach students with intellectual disabilities is by providing them with real life representing materials which are appropriate and safe for their age as well as interesting. Provide students with information with clear and easy to follow instructions which is revised in a constant basis. Celebrate accomplishments with positive dieback. Whenever possible and ac cording to the seriousness of the disability, try to teach the student is his regular school.Teach students tasks and skills that they will use in real life in a constant basis so they can relate what they learned to the everyday life(Grand Canyon University Course Material 2010). Another intellectual disability is Autism. This disability was first name and recognized in a district in 1943. It is associated with a series of conditions that include According to Autism Society of America (2000) â€Å"Disturbances of developmental rates, and/or sequences, responses to encore stimuli, speech and language as well as cognitive capacities and capacities to relate people, events and objects.This signs appear before the age of three† (Grand Canyon University Course Material 2010). At one time, autism was included in the definition of emotional disturbance. IDEA (2004) defines autism as an inclusion of serious impairments which include, verbal and non-verbal communication and social in teraction. According to American Psychiatric Association (2000) â€Å"autism spectrum disorders include a spectrum of that goes from Autistic disorder, Aspirer syndrome, Retest syndrome, a event disorder, distortions, childhood disintegrative disorder, and Pervasive developmental disorder.The characteristics include, apparent sensory deficit or hyper reaction to stimuli, Severe isolation or inability to respond to love and cuddly, self stimulation, tantrums and self abusive behaviors which raise the issue of aversive stimuli, calceolaria and psychotic speech and behavior deficiencies â€Å". The possible causes of autism vary and go from one unfounded theory to an-other but according to well known authorities, causes are not known and but evidence suggests that genetics ND biological factors are key.Very' little is still known about autism and because of this fact, educators need to be careful in how they treat autistic students. A therapy which is supposed to be appropriate for t he treatment of autism is dolphin-assisted therapy. It is recommended to provide autistic students with colored lenses to cure dyslexia and also facilitated communication. Lesson planning is key for educators to have success as teachers and help students succeed as well. Intellectual disabled students need extra help and clear one-on-one instruction but they definitely can learn. Educating Special Needs Students Educating special needs students can be challenging for all individuals involved. Students who may have intellectual disabilities, autism, and severe or multiple disabilities can have many bumps along the road of education. The impact of having a disability as a student can affect not only the student and the parents, but the educators as well. Policies, procedures, and programs are put in place to help these students succeed in the world of education. Intellectual DisabilityIntellectual disability is a general learning disability that appears before adulthood. Some people refer to intellectual disability as mental retardation. To define intellectual disability, it includes both a component relating to mental functioning of individuals and functioning skills in their environment. There are three characteristics of an intellectual disability. One is the intellectual quotation or IQ is between 70 to 75 or below.Two is the ability to adapt and carry on an everyday lifestyle such as acti vities, self-care, socialisation, and communication. Three is that the disability occurs prior to the age of 18. Generally the cause of intellectual disability can be caused at birth or during labor; these include temporary oxygen deprivation, premature births, low-birth-weight, and birth injuries. Often times there are a combination of genetics between two people that can form a certain disorder of the gene in their children. A person with a chromosomal disorder, too few or too many chromosomes, can develop an intellectual disability.Educating Special Needs StudentsAutismAutism is a disorder that impairs social interaction in verbal and non-verbal communication. It affects information that is processed in the brain by  altering the nerve cells. Signs of autism are usually noticed within two years of a child's life and the signs develop over time. Sadly there is no known cure for autism but there have been cases reported of children who have recovered. Medical expert have come to the conclusion that autism in some cases have been caused by premature births, early childhood vaccinations, Fragile X syndrome, Rett syndrome, and Tuberous sclerosis. Severe and Multiple DisabilitiesIn individual with severe or multiple disabilities is described as a person who has one or more disability. Some causes can be chromosomal abnormalities, premature birth, lack of oxygen, blindness, deafness, poor development of the brain or spinal cord, infections, genetic disorders, or injuries from an accident. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act; IDEA made it easier for children between the ages of 3 and 21 to have access to suitable public education. Teachers have found ways to include disabled students in regular classrooms.The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act; IDEA has found a way to have an impact on classroom settings for disabled students. Inclusion classrooms have been beneficial for disabled children. Recent studies have proved that children have been f ound doing better on standardized tests and acquiring better social and communication skills to prepare themselves for life's day-to-day events.Other Educating Special Needs StudentsStudents in the classroom have also benefited by being exposed to disabled students. Other students have grown to accept and develop friendships with students who have disabilities. Students with severe disabilities have curriculums in programs that are specifically altered to fit their needs. A curriculum is set up so that students with learning disabilities will have a brighter future and succeed in their education. It is less likely for students to drop out of school and continue their education by having the stability of a curriculum that works in their favor of learning. Having a functional curriculum teaches students the skills that they need to become an independent individual.When using a curriculum, educators take into consideration what the particular student needs to excel in their course of s tudy and in their classroom. When the educator is aware of what the student  needs they will not waste time in their classroom focusing on areas that a disabled student will not benefit from. Educators will also use multiple instruction methods to help disabled students succeed. Audio and visual learning methods are incorporated to help disabled students overcome their weaknesses and find their strengths when learning. Along with the curriculum socialization skills will help disabled students enter at with others.By developing their socialization skills in the classroom disabled students will become more independent with other members of society. Following a curriculum for disabled students will help them as well as other students except them in the classroom. The benefits of accepting disabled students in the classroom will help them and other students to not segregate them while they are in school learning as well as to teach them the skills they need to interact in life's day t o day events outside of school. Educating Special Needs Students5Policies and procedures in the local school district concerning students with intellectual disabilities use the program Child Find. According to state and federal special education regulations, School Districts, Intermediate Units, and Charter Schools are required to conduct child find activities for children that are eligible for the services of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. This program is to identify all children of school age that might need special education all related services due to problems that may interfere with future development and learning.From a legal standpoint each school is required to adopt the use of public outreach awareness. Identify children that are eligible for special education within the school district jurisdiction. Early intervention in special education services and programs must be made know to the public. Each school m ust establish a system to accomplish the necessary initial screening which is to identify and provide a screening of students to identify any academic, social, emotional, or sensory problems concerning vision, hearing, language, or speech difficulties. Teachers and other staff members must assist the students and work effectively with the students in the general curriculum. The child find policies and procedures are used to identify, locate, and evaluate children with disabilities.As early as possible early identification and an  assessment of disabilities will be implemented in a formal plan for the child. The timeline from the initial evaluation must be conducted within 60 days from the parents’ consent for the evaluation. Another program that the school district provides is the Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act and the No Child Left Behind Act. Title I is a financial assisted program that helps schools with high numbers or children with low income fam ilies to ensure that their child meets the academic standards of the state. The No Child Left Behind Act supportsEducating Special Needs StudentsStandards based education reform based primarily on measuring goals that can improve individual outcomes in a student’s education. All public schools receiving the federal funding that comes along with these programs administer a statewide standardized test to all students each year. These text I also provide the parents a detailed report card on their child's performance. Based on the knowledge of the child’s results, it will help the educators and the parents in providing the student with the proper help during their learning years. Over all, learning can be challenging for anyone. But a student with severe or multiple disabilities may face a tough road that many of us may not understand. Having the proper guidelines in place and having everyone involved understand their role in a students learning world is essential to havi ng a successful independent student.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Business Entities Essay

Introduction: Most business entities, specifically those small enterprises use the manual process of recording inventories. They record inventories manually on a paper, as well as the product bought, sold and stored. The very in inconvenient process of recording manually made the researcher come up with the idea to make an electronic record keeping system for the improvement of the workflow and productivity in the pharmacy while a series of embedded safety checks yields unparalleled accuracy and greater overall safety prescription purposes. Background of the Study: The researchers realize the current system of pharmacy record keeping system was out-dated and unable to cope with a recent sharp increase in disbursement of medications. This study will be established with the aim of bringing in an electronic record keeping system that would be efficient, easy to learn and sustainable. The researcher will tend to make a system for the easier way of providing information about the product bought, sold, and stored. In addition, the system will attempt to provide receipts using the new system to show the effectiveness of modernizing the company’s current system. This system tends to improve the accuracy and efficiency of the process done by the company. The convenience of this new system will help to promote the company as well as to help its employees do an easier task for the enhancement of the system process. Statement of the problem: Ethical and efficient works are very important in merchandising company like drug stores. Erroneous and mistaken of records will lead the company in a bigger problem. We listed some problems that the company will possibly encounter: 1. Who is responsible in handling and keeping the transaction’s record? 2. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the business? 3. How the company competes with the same kinds of business? 4. How to increase the profit of the business? 5. How many workers needed to generate the business? 6. What are some techniques and strategies that will work on in the business? 7. How to enhance the continuality of the business operation? Objective of the Study: * It will help the _____________ Drugstore in providing the information needed by the business to improve their performance and to maximize their profit in general. Efficient and accurate recording of transactions will lead to intermediary success. * Provide the system that will arrange the sales and inventory of the business. * To help the owner and manager in recording and monitoring their business transactions so that they can identify if their business can earn a profits or losses. * The system will also benefit the customers in providing them the right medicine in a good and appropriate price for their illness. * The system will also provide the record of Payroll for each employee. Significance of the Study: * By conducting a proper feasibility study, the target audience can be clearly identified along with their purchasing power. This process will determine the economic prowlers of a proposal by a business. * To investigate ways to improve the inventory process of retail pharmacy. * The feasibility study will look at how certain proposal can work in a long-term basis or withstand financial risks that may come. * By conducting feasibility study, we would be able to know the circumstances faces by the pharmacy. * We can formulate answer to our problem. * Inventory system help companies with huge inventories to easily and accurately monitor their stocks. With the use of database, information will be readily available to the user and can be easily updated without having to scroll through spreadsheets. Scope and Limitations: Pharmacy seems to be one of the most important businesses in our society. But nowadays the inventory processes of those pharmacies are crucial. This feasibility study is conducted for as to formulate a system in which those pharmacists can easily access to their products. Pharmacy inventory system facilitates to manage a day to day basis for taking care of pharmacy inventory accurately and efficiently. The system will keep tracks of the records, purchases, stock, and expiry. A simplified computerized inventory system will be very helpful to the company since this will expedite its inventory workflow as well as generate very timely reports needed by the management for its evaluation and review and overall decision making. Our study will focuses on how we are going to impart a system which could help the inventory process is at risk. They cannot easily know if their certain product is out of stock or not. We aim to rationalize information of a proposed business in order to provide a clear rationale of basic factors in marketing which includes the strength and weakness. We focus on helping answer in the essential question of â€Å"should we proceed with proposed project idea?†

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Mistake Essay Example

Mistake Essay Example Mistake Essay Mistake Essay Life is a series of choices, and whatever you choose will affect your life. It can be a small choice like when we decide our direction and it will lead you to the destination, or it can be a bigger choice that can cause a huge event in your life. I want to tell a story about my best friend, Huh who told me that trying, practicing and learning are the keys that can open your door to success. He was Just like other people, by having a bad choice, so he made a big mistake six years ago in his life that he could never roger and it also became a good lesson for him to learn how to cope with life obstacles. His mistake was a bad memory that always stayed somewhere deep in his mind. He still remembered every single thing like it happened yesterday. It was at the time when he came to the United States. He missed home, friends, family, and everything in his country so much. Moreover, his English was terrible at that time. He could not understand when people were talking and he could not say anything. He was lonely and bored. He felt so bad when he was with his classmates because he didnt understand them. When he was watching a movie his friends, he didnt understand the movie, so I had to look around and laughed with them when they were laughing, because he did not want anybody to know his weakness. He drank a lot of beer when he got home and tried to forget about everything. He dropped out of school and started going around the city to kill time. Therefore, I did not want to finish his life like that, and he figured out that he needed help

Monday, October 21, 2019

3 Different Learning Styles Essay Example

3 Different Learning Styles Essay Example 3 Different Learning Styles Essay 3 Different Learning Styles Essay If you scored mostly as you may have a visual learning style. You learn by seeing and looking. |Visual Learners | take numerous detailed notes tend to sit in the front are usually neat and clean often close their eyes to visualize or remember something find something to watch if they are bored like to see what they are learning benefit from illustrations and presentations that use color are attracted to written or spoken language rich in imagery prefer stimuli to be isolated from auditory and kinesthetic distraction find passive surroundings ideal If you scored mostly bs, you may have an auditory learning style. You learn by hearing and listening. |Auditory Learners | sit where they can hear but neednt pay attention to what is happening in front may not coordinate colors or clothes, but can explain why they are wearing what they are wearing and why hum or talk to themselves or others when bored acquire knowledge by reading aloud remember by verbalizing lessons to themselves (if they dont they have difficulty reading maps or diagrams or handling conceptual assignments like mathematics).If you had mostly cs, you may have a kinesthetic learning style. You learn by touching and doing. |Kinesthetic Learners | need to be active and take frequent breaks speak with their hands and with gestures remember what was done, but have difficulty recalling what was said or seen find reasons to tinker or move when bored rely on what they can directly experience or perform activities such as cooking, construction, engineering and art help them perceive and learn enjoy field trips and tasks that invol ve manipulating materials sit near the door or someplace else where they can easily get up and move around are uncomfortable in classrooms where they lack opportunities for hands-on experience communicate by touching and appreciate physically expressed encouragement, such as a pat on the back

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Bernard Montgomery, World War II Field Marshal

Bernard Montgomery, World War II Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery (November 17, 1887–March 24, 1976) was a British soldier who rose through the ranks to become one of the most important military leaders of World War II. Known to be difficult to work with, Monty was nevertheless exceptionally popular with the British public. He was rewarded for his service with promotions to Field Marshal, Bridgadier General, and Viscount. Fast Facts: Bernard Montgomery Known For: Top military commander during World War IIAlso Known As: MontyBorn: November 17, 1887 in London, England Parents: The Reverend Henry Montgomery, Maud MontgomeryDied: March 24, 1976 in Hampshire, EnglandEducation: St. Paul’s School, London, and the Royal Military Academy (Sandhurst)Awards and Honors: Distinguished Service Order (after being wounded in WWI); after WWII, he received the Knight of the Garter and was created 1st Viscount Montgomery of Alamein in 1946Spouse: Elizabeth CarverChildren: John and Dick (stepsons) and DavidNotable Quote: Every soldier must know, before he goes into battle, how the little battle he is to fight fits into the larger picture, and how the success of his fighting will influence the battle as a whole. Early Life Born in Kennington, London in 1887, Bernard Montgomery was the son of Reverend Henry Montgomery and his wife Maud, and the grandson of noted colonial administrator Sir Robert Montgomery. One of nine children, Montgomery spent his early years at the familys ancestral home of New Park in Northern Ireland before his father was made Bishop of Tasmania in 1889. While living in the remote colony, he endured a harsh childhood that included beatings by his mother. Largely educated by tutors, Montgomery seldom saw his father, who frequently traveled due to his post. The family returned to Britain in 1901 when Henry Montgomery became secretary of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel. Back in London, the younger Montgomery attended St. Pauls School before entering the Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst. While at the academy, he struggled with discipline issues and was nearly expelled for rowdiness. Graduating in 1908, he was commissioned as a second lieutenant and assigned to the 1st Battalion, Royal Warwickshire Regiment. World War I Sent to India, Montgomery was promoted to lieutenant in 1910. Back in Britain, he received an appointment as battalion adjutant at the Shorncliffe Army Camp in Kent. With the outbreak of World War I, Montgomery deployed to France with the British Expeditionary Force (BEF). Assigned to Lieutenant General Thomas Snows 4th Division, his regiment took part in the fighting at Le Cateau on August 26, 1914. Continuing to see action during the retreat from Mons, Montgomery was badly wounded during a counterattack near Mà ©teren on October 13, 1914. He was hit through the right lung by a sniper before another round struck him in the knee. Awarded the Distinguished Service Order, he was appointed as a brigade major in the 112th and 104th Brigades. Returning to France in early 1916, Montgomery served as a  staff officer with the 33rd Division during the Battle of Arras. The following year, he took part in the Battle of Passchendaele as a staff officer with IX Corps. During this time he became known as a meticulous planner who worked tirelessly to integrate the operations of the infantry, engineers, and artillery. As the war concluded in November 1918, Montgomery held the temporary rank of lieutenant colonel and was serving as chief of staff for the 47th Division. Interwar Years After commanding the 17th  (Service) Battalion of the Royal Fusiliers in the British Army of the Rhine during the occupation, Montgomery reverted to the rank of captain in November 1919. Seeking to attend the Staff College, he persuaded Field Marshal Sir William Robertson to approve his admission. Completing the course, he was again made a brigade major and assigned to the 17th Infantry Brigade in January 1921. Stationed in Ireland, he took part in counter-insurgency operations during the Irish War of Independence and advocated taking a hard line with the rebels. In 1927, Montgomery married Elizabeth Carver and the couple had a son, David, the following year. Moving through a variety of peacetime postings, he was promoted to lieutenant colonel in 1931 and rejoined the Royal Warwickshire Regiment for service in the Middle East and India. Returning home in 1937, he was given command of the 9th Infantry Brigade with the temporary rank of brigadier. A short time later, tragedy struck when Elizabeth died from septicemia following an amputation caused by an infected insect bite. Grief-stricken, Montgomery coped by withdrawing into his work. A year later, he organized a massive amphibious training exercise that was praised by his superiors, which led to his promotion to major general. Given command of the 8th Infantry Division in Palestine, he put down an Arab revolt in 1939 before being transferred to Britain to lead the 3rd Infantry Division. With the outbreak of World War II in September 1939, his division was deployed to France as part of the BEF. Fearing a disaster similar to 1914, he relentlessly trained his men in defensive maneuvers and fighting. In France Serving in General Alan Brookes II Corps, Montgomery earned his superiors praise. With the German invasion of the Low Countries, the 3rd Division performed well and, following the collapse of the Allied position, was evacuated through Dunkirk. During the final days of the campaign, Montgomery led II Corps as Brooke had been recalled to London. Arriving back in Britain, Montgomery became an outspoken critic of the BEFs high command and began a feud with the commander of Southern Command, Lieutenant General Sir Claude Auchinleck. Over the next year, he held several posts responsible for the defense of southeastern Britain. North Africa In August 1942, Montgomery, now a lieutenant general, was appointed to command the Eighth Army in Egypt following the death of Lieutenant-General William Gott. Serving under General Sir Harold Alexander, Montgomery took command on August 13 and began a rapid reorganization of his forces and worked to reinforce the defenses at El Alamein. Making numerous visits to the front lines, he diligently endeavored to raise morale. In addition, he sought to unite land, naval, and air units into an effective combined arms team. Anticipating that Field Marshal Erwin Rommel would attempt to turn his left flank, he strengthened this area and defeated the noted German commander at the Battle of Alam Halfa in early September. Under pressure to mount an offensive, Montgomery began extensive planning for striking at Rommel. Opening the Second Battle of El Alamein in late October, Montgomery shattered Rommels lines and sent him reeling east. Knighted and promoted to general for the victory, he maintained pressure on Axis forces and turned them out of successive defensive positions, including the Mareth Line in March 1943. Sicily and Italy With the defeat of Axis forces in North Africa, planning began for the Allied invasion of Sicily. Landing in July 1943 in conjunction with Lieutenant General George S. Pattons U.S. Seventh Army, Montgomerys Eighth Army came ashore near Syracuse. While the campaign was a success, Montgomerys boastful style ignited a rivalry with his flamboyant American counterpart. On September 3, the Eighth Army opened the campaign in Italy by landing in Calabria. Joined by Lieutenant General Mark Clarks U.S. Fifth Army, which landed at Salerno, Montgomery began a slow, grinding advance up the Italian peninsula. D-Day On December 23, 1943, Montgomery was ordered to Britain to take command of the 21st Army Group, which comprised all of the ground forces assigned to the invasion of Normandy. Playing a key role in the planning process for D-Day, he oversaw the Battle of Normandy after Allied forces began landing on June 6. During this period, he was criticized by Patton and General Omar Bradley for his initial inability to capture the city of Caen. Once taken, the city was used as the pivot point for the Allied breakout and crushing of German forces in the Falaise pocket. Push to Germany As most of the Allied troops in Western Europe rapidly became American, political forces prevented Montgomery from remaining Ground Forces Commander. This title was assumed by the Supreme Allied Commander, General Dwight Eisenhower, while Montgomery was permitted to retain the 21st Army Group. In compensation, Prime Minister Winston Churchill had Montgomery promoted to field marshal. In the weeks following Normandy, Montgomery succeeded in convincing Eisenhower to approve Operation Market-Garden, which called for a direct thrust toward the Rhine and Ruhr Valley utilizing large numbers of airborne troops. Uncharacteristically daring for Montgomery, the operation was also poorly planned, with key intelligence about the enemys strength overlooked. As a result, the operation was only partially successful and resulted in the destruction of the 1st British Airborne Division. In the wake of this effort, Montgomery was directed to clear the Scheldt so that the port of Antwerp could be opened to Allied shipping. On December 16, the Germans opened the Battle of the Bulge with a massive offensive. With German troops breaking through the American lines, Montgomery was ordered to take command of U.S. forces north of the penetration to stabilize the situation. He was effective in this role and was ordered to counterattack in conjunction with Pattons Third Army on January 1, with the goal of encircling the Germans. Not believing his men were ready, he delayed two days, which allowed many of the Germans to escape. Pressing on to the Rhine, his men crossed the river in March and helped encircle German forces in the Ruhr. Driving across northern Germany, Montgomery occupied Hamburg and Rostock before accepting a German surrender on May 4. Death After the war, Montgomery was made commander of the British occupation forces and served on the Allied Control Council. In 1946, he was elevated to Viscount Montgomery of Alamein for his accomplishments. Serving as Chief of the Imperial General Staff from 1946 to 1948, he struggled with the political aspects of the post. Beginning in 1951, he served as deputy commander of NATOs European forces and remained in that position until his retirement in 1958. Increasingly known for his outspoken views on a variety of topics, his postwar memoirs were severely critical of his contemporaries. Montgomery died on March 24, 1976, and was buried at Binsted.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

What do you think about the class Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

What do you think about the class - Essay Example The course plays an important role in educating the current generation on how to struggle for what they want through reflecting on the struggles that the indigenous people in time of colonization. Some of other topics that are of importance in attending the class include capitalist development, Immigration and environmental changes. From this class, the teachers are able to sensitize the students on matters of environmental maintenance and protection. The Native American class is able to encourage race diversity. This is through emphasizing on the Native Americans who were living in harmony with each other despite having hailing from different subgroups. The class is able to examine a range of oral genres from various tribes. The native literature also incorporates Native American contribution to the current American tradition. This plays an important role in revealing the literary potential that lies in the diverse aesthetic tradition and giving the current generation an identity. Therefore, the class should be emphasized and widespread in various learning

Struggle for Womens Vote Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Struggle for Womens Vote - Essay Example P. 15, John Smart (2001). "20th Century British Drama," Cambridge University Press,UK. The other side of that era had come to be known as the Great Depression in the US. This was brought on by the Wall Street crash of 1929 which swept the world's financial markets. P. 17 As economic conditions deteriorated, coal mine owners reduced miners wages to trigger a massive strike of coal miners. In England, the Labour Party itself and the Trade Union Congress joined 4 million workers in supporting the widespread protest of miners. Hunger marches were later held in London and elsewhere. While the world economy went into a tailspin, a crisis of ideology came along with it. Many begun to doubt the capability of capitalism, already found difficult to defend morally as it were, to deliver jobs and prosperity. Many thinkers saw in the crisis the fulfillment of Marx's ideas that capitalism was doomed. They began to look at communism as one that offered a fairer and more efficient system. Against this backdrop of unfilled needs and prevailing mood for protest, women picked up the fight for suffrage with greater determination and, after a long and hard struggle, won it. "The developing sense of women's rights and their roles in society is a major theme of the 20th century" Smart,p.8 The protest movement began and ended in Britain such that the coining of the term"suffragette" was attributed to London's Daily Mail. Ruth Rasnic (2006) "The 20th Century - The Century That Made an Impact," Jewish Women International, Vol. 1, Issue 5. It was coined in a derisive vein, which reflected the general attitude towards the movement. Why - Reasons for the protest As far back as the Edwardian era in the 19th century British women had rebelled against their condition as the largest underclass of that time. P.7, Smart. The more educated women became, the sharper their awareness grew on the discrimination they had suffered in a male-dominated world. This was among the topics taken up by the "Blue Stocking" ladies in England, who had counterparts in the US, France and other countries in Europe, as they gathered regularly for tea and literary, intellectual or entertainment discussions. Ruth Rasnic (2006) believes schooled women actually begun to vocalize their concern over their stifled rights during that era. Calmly at first, they started calling attention to the fact that for so long, women had been relegated to an inferior position in all cultures, societies and religions. By tradition, the man was lord and master for women to love, honor and obey. Women are given away in marriage, sold on dowry like cattle. Only the husband can divorce his wife and never the other way around. In some cultures, women cannot choose their spouses and female castration was a popular custom. In China, women were subjected to "foot-binding" as girls so that they would be controlled by men in their lifetime.3 ________________________ 3 In this custom, the girls' feet are bound in cement in childhood to make movement painful. Such discrimination against

Friday, October 18, 2019

Cultural Differences in Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Cultural Differences in Business - Essay Example It is important to consider that the United States is a developed economy, while Jamaica and China are emerging economies. China is one of the fastest growing economies in the world and a member of the elite BRICS group. Jamaica on the other hand has struggled to adapt to the business realities of the 21st century. The article presented three ethical situations. The first scenario depicted the general position of businessmen in terms of pollution and environmental laws. Jamaica businessmen are more willing to disregard environmental laws in order to make a profit. The second scenario relates to bribes. In China businessmen are more willing to accept and give out bribes to land a business contract. This position probably is this way due to the centuries of communist regime China has lived through. The third ethical scenario concerned defective product. China was the country that showed the lowest disregard for quality issues. All three countries seemed to believe in the utilitarian et hical approach which implies that it is more important to attend to the countries concerns and needs than ethical matters. The use of positive economics was present within the article. Since the study is a peer review journal article positive economics was used often. ... I read the article twice and there is a slight possibility that no normative economic statements were used. The concept of economizing seemed to be more important within the Chinese culture. The fact that Chinese businesspeople are willing to provide lower quality goods is evidence that the businessmen in China prefer to save a buck to increase operating margins. Another potential reason that economizing is important in China is due to the fact that China has the highest population in the planet. Jamaica was the economy that had the worst market efficiency among the three countries and it also had the lowest uncertainty avoidance. The findings of the article suggested that during the last ten years the ethical positions have not change much in the three countries with the exception of Jamaica being willing to accept lower environmental standards to attract investor in an effort to jumpstart its struggling economy. China has moved away from its command economy and has become more of a free economy. This has been instrumental in the success this economy has had worldwide. China is the biggest exporter of manufactured goods in the globe. Overall the ethical tests showed that the United States as a developed economy has a higher ethical standard in business matters than China and Jamaica. References Fok, L., Hartman, S., Kwong, K. (2005). A Study of Differences in Business Ethical Values in Mainland China, the U.S., and Jamaica. Review of Business, 26(1).

Conclusion of online contract Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6000 words

Conclusion of online contract - Research Paper Example Nowadays, more and more people turn to online agreements, sometimes even preferring them to the traditional written ones. However, consumers cannot help concerning about the validity of the online contracts versus the common written contracts. Yet, â€Å"Electronic contracts and electronic signatures are just as legal and enforceable as traditional paper contracts signed in ink.†1 This fact was established by the Electronic Signatures in Global and International Commerce Act (ESGICA) in 2000, which has updated the status of online agreements, considering them just as legal and enforceable as the written ones. This topic has been chosen due to the growing popularity of the online agreements among the ordinary users and other interested people. The term paper is focused on revealing the essence of the online agreements. The author believes that such a paper is necessary, because of the ascending number of concluded online agreements. Sometimes, a user is not even aware of the fact that he is binding himself to a contract in the online jungle. The online contracts are mostly governed by the same legal traditional principles as the written contracts, consisting of the same elements. The majority of the electronic agreements is reduced to the click through and click wrap agreements. These types of contracts require that the user should scroll through the terms and conditions on a website and confirm that he or she has accepted the terms and conditions of the agreement by taking some sort of action, such as clicking an "I accept" button or by taking some similar action. It is very often that the enforceability of the forum selection clause in these "click-wrap" agreements is at issue since these clauses may force the plaintiff to bring his or her action in a particular jurisdiction, which may be located far away from the plaintiffs home jurisdiction, in order to settle all disputes. The author intends to

Thursday, October 17, 2019

GLUT4 glucose transporter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

GLUT4 glucose transporter - Essay Example The generalised form of this reaction is written as follows There are three types of sugar transporters that carry sugars across the plasma membrane in to the cells. First are the energy independent facilitated diffusion transporters such as the glucose transporters family(GLUT) of hexose transporters seen in yeast and in mammalian cells. These proteins are encoded by SLC2A genes(solute carriers 2A). Second are the energy dependent transporters for example sodium dependent glucose transporters(SGLT) encoded by SLC5A genes in the intestine and in kidney epithelial cells. The third type of transporters couple ATP dependent phosphorylation with sugar import and are seen in bacteria. This family of glucose transporters were first discovered in yeast where 18 genes have been identified. Humans have 14 GLUT homologs. All of the yeast glucose transporters are of the same size(40-55 Kilodaltons) and have similar structures containing 12 membrane spanning domains. These domains form a barrel with a small pore for the sugar to pass through. The only "sugar transport signatures" are a few widely scattered glycine and tryptophan residues and one PET tri-peptide sequence The elevated levels of blood sugar and amino acids that occur following a meal signal pancreatic beta cells to release insulin into the bloodstream. Once in the vascular system, circulating insulin markedly enhances glucose transport into skeletal muscle and adipose tissue, the peripheral sites responsible for the majority of postprandial glucose disposal. In response to insulin, glucose enters muscle and fat cells through aqueous pores formed by the glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4) protein. GLUT4 is the fourth of 13 members of a family of facilitative sugar transporters and is the only iso-form that is widely accepted as being insulin-responsive. Like other GLUT family members, GLUT4 is a 12 trans-membrane protein; unlike most other isofoms, GLUT4 is predominantly localized to intracellular compartments in the basal state. Activation of the insulin receptor triggers a large increase in the rate of GLUT4 vesicle exocytosis and a concomitant decrease in the rate of endocytosis. This insulin-dependent shift in GLUT4 vesicle trafficking results in a net increase of GLUT4 protein at the cell surface, thus allowing glucose to enter target cells. Once

Toyota Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Toyota - Research Paper Example Furthermore the company should start a new advertising and public relation campaign in order to recover its affected image. The entire project will be very much feasible if the company works according to the provided plan. The Japan based Toyota Motor Corporation has been dominating the automobile industry over the past few years. The company started its journey back in 1937 as Toyota Motor Co. Ltd. In the next year, production started in the Honsha plant of the company. In 1950 the company faced severe financial crisis. In the same year Toyota Motor Sales Co. Ltd. was established. In 1959 production started in another plant named Motomachi. In 1966 the company launched Corolla and in 1982 Toyota motor Sales Co. Ltd. merged with Toyota Motor Co. Ltd. and Toyota Motor Corporation was formed. Today Toyota’s main business is producing and selling automobiles. Its head office is situated in Tokyo, Japan. There are four brands through which the company sells its cars. These are Toyota, Lexus, Daihatsu and Hino. In addition to automobile production the company is also involved in other industries like housing, ITS, financial service, biotechnology & afforestation and marine. There are some clearly defined guiding principles that help the company and its managers to handle the entire operation. Toyota believes that it is very important to become good corporate citizen and in order to do so it is important to honor the spirit of law and language of each and every nation it operates in. The company believes in fair and open corporate activities. Furthermore Toyota’s guiding principles also say that customs and culture of every nation need to be respected. It is also found that the company always tries to make some positive contribution to the social as well as to economic development of the communities. The company is found to be operating on the principle of providing safe and

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

GLUT4 glucose transporter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

GLUT4 glucose transporter - Essay Example The generalised form of this reaction is written as follows There are three types of sugar transporters that carry sugars across the plasma membrane in to the cells. First are the energy independent facilitated diffusion transporters such as the glucose transporters family(GLUT) of hexose transporters seen in yeast and in mammalian cells. These proteins are encoded by SLC2A genes(solute carriers 2A). Second are the energy dependent transporters for example sodium dependent glucose transporters(SGLT) encoded by SLC5A genes in the intestine and in kidney epithelial cells. The third type of transporters couple ATP dependent phosphorylation with sugar import and are seen in bacteria. This family of glucose transporters were first discovered in yeast where 18 genes have been identified. Humans have 14 GLUT homologs. All of the yeast glucose transporters are of the same size(40-55 Kilodaltons) and have similar structures containing 12 membrane spanning domains. These domains form a barrel with a small pore for the sugar to pass through. The only "sugar transport signatures" are a few widely scattered glycine and tryptophan residues and one PET tri-peptide sequence The elevated levels of blood sugar and amino acids that occur following a meal signal pancreatic beta cells to release insulin into the bloodstream. Once in the vascular system, circulating insulin markedly enhances glucose transport into skeletal muscle and adipose tissue, the peripheral sites responsible for the majority of postprandial glucose disposal. In response to insulin, glucose enters muscle and fat cells through aqueous pores formed by the glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4) protein. GLUT4 is the fourth of 13 members of a family of facilitative sugar transporters and is the only iso-form that is widely accepted as being insulin-responsive. Like other GLUT family members, GLUT4 is a 12 trans-membrane protein; unlike most other isofoms, GLUT4 is predominantly localized to intracellular compartments in the basal state. Activation of the insulin receptor triggers a large increase in the rate of GLUT4 vesicle exocytosis and a concomitant decrease in the rate of endocytosis. This insulin-dependent shift in GLUT4 vesicle trafficking results in a net increase of GLUT4 protein at the cell surface, thus allowing glucose to enter target cells. Once

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Comparative Foreign policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Comparative Foreign policy - Essay Example On the Necessity of Individual Level of Analysis in Understanding of Case Policy Outcome 7 I. Foreign Policy Theories, Use by Foreign Policy Analysts Theories are proposed explanations relating to the workings of things. In foreign policy studies, theories refer to the major theories relating to the field of study, and they are mainly liberalism, realism, Marxism, and constructivism in some texts. Theories are essentially tools that foreign policy analysts use to make sense of the actions of states in relation to each other, and in the context of global economic, political arenas of actioni ii. As the definition suggests, theories are the distillation of insights, writings, studies and observations about the actions of states in the real world, distilled on the assumption that states act in certain ways, based on certain underlying motivations, dynamics, and historical circumstances. Theories are used on the assumption that given a set of conditions, states will act in defined ways m oving forward. iii II. Liberalism, Realism- Key Analytical Components, Comparison and Contrast Realism posits that the key characteristic of the international order is disorder, or anarchy and chaos. In the absence of an organizing principle, or a body of law to mediate disputes and the general conduct of nations when dealing with other nations, the operative principle is power. Therefore, nations act and watch out for their own interests in the main. Self-interest and self-preservation, the advancement of one's own interests, is the rule and the defining consideration when crafting foreign policy. Realism has several implications for the way the world system of politics and economics is shaped. Power is the currency, and where one state amasses power, that automatically translates to threats to the inner integrity of other states. Balance of power becomes an important consideration. Moreover, viewed from a realist perspective, the power currency translates to an obsession with proj ecting power and defense capabilities, as reflected in military might. Nations then act out and craft foreign policy in relation to that perceived and actual power residing on their military capabilities. Military power then becomes a central analytical component when reading the actions of nations in the international stage, with some superpowers such as China acting in ways that are different from those with some power, and those who have no power at all. Constraint and independence in crafting foreign policy are reliant on the size of a nation's military capabilities. At the weak end of that spectrum, very weak nations are the most constrained. Middle powers meanwhile yield considerable power, and act in ways such as forming alliances to balance out the power of the strong states. iv Liberalism, in contrast, views the world order not in terms of balance of power and military might, but in terms of interdependence, for instance through the interdependence of nation economies, and how such interdependence shapes more cooperative stances, a greater emphasis on world bodies that foster cooperation and dialogue, such as the United Nations, and nations, especially less powerful states, towing the line in terms of adhering to the rules of the global market. Market forces are relevant considerations, and so are the economic and political implications of interdependence as shaping foreign policy for different countries. The operative principle here is that of

Monday, October 14, 2019

Strategic Management Accounting Essay Example for Free

Strategic Management Accounting Essay This is an individual assignment of 3,000 words (+/-10%), excluding appendices and bibliography. The word count MUST be shown on the front of the assignment. There are TWO questions to be answered in this assignment. Each question carries a maximum mark of 50%. All of the learning outcomes for the module are being assessed in this assignment. The learning outcomes are shown in the section entitled â€Å"Marking Guide†, which is further on in this document. The University’s policy on cheating collusion and plagiarism will be applied to this piece of work. You are required to produce a report which answers the following TWO questions: Question 1 XYZ Limited is a medium sized manufacturing business which makes and sells products to a range of industrial customers who use XYZ’s products in their own products. The working capital of XYZ is typical of a manufacturing organisation in that at any point in time they have cash, trade receivables, inventories of raw materials, work in progress and finished goods and trade payables. The Managing Director of XYZ Limited believes that all parts of the working capital cycle could be improved and has asked you to produce a report which discusses how each part of the working capital cycle could be improved and which critically evaluates the implications of the improvements on XYZ and other connected parties (for example trade receivables and trade payables). Question 2 Many organisations use transfer pricing when transferring products between different divisions of the same organisation. You are required to discuss in detail the advantages and disadvantages of each of the following four methods: 1) Market based transfer prices; 2) Full cost transfer prices; 3) Cost-plus a mark-up transfer prices; and 4) Negotiated transfer prices. Guidance: Students are encouraged to be inquisitive and innovative in their approach as to what should be included in this report. The following may be of some use in providing guidance as to what could possibly be included, although this is in no way meant to be prescriptive. The aim of the assignment is to help you understand how key areas of strategic management accounting are applied in practice. This will include investigating topics from throughout the course linked to the above issues. Some of the principles, concepts and models will be more relevant to your chosen approach than others and so it is likely that different students will formulate different approaches to the problems. This is normal it is not expected that all of the course content will be used in the analysis concentrate on that which you feel is most important. As part of your work you might find it helpful to briefly explore the underlying theory behind the key areas of investigation that you identify before applying them to report. With a total of 3,000 words you do not have a lot of room for long introductions so assume you are writing to a sophisticated audience who has a working knowledge of strategic management accounting and is well versed in business theory. Numerical example for illustrative purposes may be of use  but should not be the main thrust of the work. If used they should be to provide evidence to support your findings from your other analysis of position and policies. If other sources are used remember to reference everything! Please avoid relying too heavily on descriptive sections reproducing information available from course material or the set text. It is your own logical, evaluation of the situation, the interpretation of course material and presentation, with critical analysis, of a coherent strategic plan that will attract high marks. Marking Guide The learning outcomes for this module assessed by this piece of work are Knowledge 1. Critically evaluate a range of key strategic management accounting models and concepts. 2. Critically understand of specific analytical skills in key areas within management accounting at local and international level 3. Critically understand of the role and limitations of management accounting theory. Skills 4. Applied the key management accounting concepts and methodologies in order to contribute to successful decision making in an organisation. In light of this the assessment criteria in the grid below will be used when assessing your work.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Essay --

Background Somatoform disorders, as defined on states, â€Å"Any of a group of psychological disorders (as body dysmorphic disorder or hypochondriasis) marked by physical complaints for which no organic or physiological explanation is found and for which there is a strong likelihood that psychological factors are involved.† So what does this mean? Basically, somatoform disorders include mental factors that are often caused by physical symptoms, but no physical source or psychological cause. The symptoms therefore are imagined, but that does not bring light to the situation that it causes distress and can often be long-term (Kenny, 2011). The DSM-V, the Diagnostic and Statistical manual released in May of 2013 now classifies it as, â€Å"Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders.† This new name groups together many categories of disorders linked to somatoform disorders. Different disorders include; somatization, hypochondriasis, conversion, body dysmorphic and pain disorder (Kenny, 2011). DSM-V The DSM-V plays a huge role in the classification and treatment of somatoform disorders. It was not until this model that somatoform was not just one category, but had multiple sub-categories under it. With all of this being said, the DSM-V has gotten multiple hits of hard criticism that the new edition has a lack of scientific evidence for specific classifications, and unclear boundaries between every day stressors, and a classified â€Å"illness.† However, with constant progress, new information, new disorders and treatments, the DSM, no matter what version, will always take criticism for one thing or another (McCarron, 2013). Going back to the DSM-4, which is still used by many in the psychology world, classified somatization as needi... ... the patient complained about, they needed to avoid diagnostic procedures and surgeries unless previously indicated, and finally they had to refrain from making statements about their symptoms being, â€Å"all in their head† (Woolfolk, 2010). Conclusion In conclusion, somatoform disorders must be treated with caution. Upsetting a patient or even digging too far to find information or a cause of a disease could potentially make the patient even worse. Those professionals using the DSM-V on a regular basis must be aware the changes and the progression the DSM will continue to make. Different symptoms may include pain, gastrointestinal complaints, sexual symptoms and neurological problems. Different disorders include somatization, hypochondriasis, conversion, body dysmorphic disorder, pseudocyesis, and both pain and undifferentiated somatization in conjunction with PTSD.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Database privacy and Legal Issues :: essays research papers

Database privacy and legal issues Data privacy law regulates data management, and information systems manage data. Therefore, data privacy assurance must consider system assurance. An IT department should streamline its functions with the industry standards and privacy regulations in order to avoid any disruption. In order to achieve those objectives, the IT department should assess the risks, design a strategic plan to achieve privacy compliance, implement required policies and procedures, and monitor and audit the procedures to ensure privacy compliance. Gavison, in his article "Privacy and the Limits of the Law", describes privacy in terms of controlling access to our physical person, and to our information. In one phrase, it is the "protection from being brought to the attention of others" struck us as particularly relevant to the census problem (1995). In his article "creating the Privacy Compliant Organization", Parker mentions that there are other forms of privacy to consider, includes: privacy of persons, privacy of personal behavior, privacy of personal communications, privacy of personal information, and privacy of territory (2001). Risk Assessment An IT department should identify and document the information systems that are subject to privacy requirements includes computer files, databases, archives, microfilm, personal records and copies wherever located. Moreover, it should perform a risk assessment and gap analysis of controls and procedures that are in place. The gap analysis will reveal the deficiencies between the current status and the legislative requirements and regulations under which the organization must operate. Additionally, the risk assessment must be applied to the likely risks that an organization may experience from a breach in privacy which include damage to the corporate reputation, damage to business credibility, financial loss, negative publicity, and fines and criminal records for employees. The result of this phase will be the basis for developing a strategic personal information privacy plan (Parker, 2001). Design a Strategic Plan Designing a privacy plan involves planning, and implementing a set of direction, methodology, and tools to address number of issues in order to achieve privacy compliant, which includes: †¢ Establishing the required infrastructure, including the required positions and appointing key privacy personnel. †¢ Establish the methodologies, which include team members, deliverables, activities, critical path, resources, skills, timelines and approaches to addressing the privacy gaps †¢ Introduce the privacy policies, standards, guidelines and procedures required to meet compliance requirements. †¢ Identify the changes required in the systems, procedures, forms, etc. †¢ Formulate the changes required to address the gaps, and †¢ Train the individuals to ensure that they fully understand the requirements of the legislation and the organization's objectives and deliverables to be created (Parker, 2001).

Friday, October 11, 2019

Arck Systems Case Analysis Essay

This paper will discuss the history and background of Arck Systems and its merger with Lux Software. I will then examine, discuss, and analyze the nuances of the merger and the resulting issues that arose with different compensation packages for each company’s sales team. In my analysis, I will address the intended and unintended consequences of incentive compensation plans. Finally, I will offer my recommendations to Arck Systems. Background Arck Systems Arck Systems was a medium-sized manufacturer of network computers used by many corporations to manage data. Customers used the serves to run software that helped them manage finances, compensation & benefits and customer accounts. This hardware was integral to ensuring the success of the corporation. In addition to the hardware it produced, Arck also developed and distributed an operating system with its servers; however, third party software companies provided the software applications. Arck Systems’ Merger with Lux Software, Inc. In order to strengthen and expand its software business, Rob Chatterji strategically decided to acquire Lux Software, Inc. Lux Software, Inc was a leading provider of middleware. Middleware is software that acts as an intermediary between different software applications. More companies need middleware as enterprise software applications become more complex making middleware a rapidly growing product and industry. Middleware Purchasing Lux was an ingenious move on Arck’s part because it provides a surefire way for them to develop the software side of their company in addition to enhancing the operating system they’ve developed for their hardware. Arck was able to purchase Lux Software, Inc rather quickly in order not to disrupt the flow of business. The merger/acquisition contained provisions that provided incentives for engineers and software developers to stay with Arck after the acquisition. This ensured that the talent and skill stayed with the company for at least three years. However, no provisions were made to keep the Lux Software sales team on board for the long term. Immediately after the merger Lux’s executive vice president of sales announced that he would be leaving Lux Sales and taking the sales management team with him. Fortunately, no key sales people left. Arck’s CEO Chatterji was not concerned. Similarities in Sales Management However, Arck’s Executive Vice President of Sales, Bryan Mynor, seemed concerned about having to manage Lux’s sales team. Although Mynor had successfully managed Arck’s sales team and doubled the company’s sales since becoming vice president, he was unsure about the most effective way for managing Lux’s sales team. Lux and Arck operate their sales force under different methods, targeting different decision makers within a company. Arck salespeople tended to target the CIO or CTO, who would be concerned about the performance specifications of the servers. Lux focused selling to the finance or administrative divisions of company, or those who would be interested in the implementation of the software. Hence, Mynor is used to managing a sales team that is much more technically oriented sales force. So as to not disturb the flow of business as usual, Mynor decided to keep the two sales teams separate until he could figure out how to merge them. After a conversation with Synder, former EVP of sales for Lux, Mynor was assured that both Arck and Lux utilized similar approaches to sales management, including: †¢Salespeople dedicated to territories based on geography and industry †¢Levels of organization were the same (district & regional managers, head of sales and EVP of sales) †¢Sales people could set discounts at their own discretion †¢Similar sales dynamics (avg. sale was approx. $350,000 for both) However, Snyder described Lux’s compensation plan as â€Å"aggressive† and â€Å"standard for the industry. † Mynor was not worried about the compensation; his main goal was to build a close relationship with Sharon Esteves, the most senior sales executive to stay with the company after the merger. Differences in Sales Compensation It wasn’t until Mynor began to review the compensation plan for Lux salespeople that he realized that he may have more of challenge managing the Lux sales team. The Lux Sales compensation package was vastly different than the Arck’s. Lux’s compensation package included accelerators, which increased the percentage commission a salesperson could earn based upon quarterly sales. A salesperson could potentially earn 24% commission. Arck’s compensation package included a standard 9% base commission paid after the quota was met. There was also a $50,000 bonus if the $6 million sales cap is reached. The Critical Issue The critical issue facing Arck Systems is attempting to figure out how to best manage the Lux sales team. While reviewing the plan, Mynor noticed that â€Å"top guns† at Lux make 30 times more than the average salesperson. Whereas the best sellers at Arck make only 4 or 5 times more than the average salesperson. He understands that the sales approach differs from Arck because it requires a more personable approach, rather than a technical one. If he decides to change the compensation plan, he needs to be able to anticipate how the sales people react. And predicting or anticipating reactions is a near impossible task. Analysis The ultimate goal of incentive compensation packages is to attract and retain employees, specifically well or high-performing employees in dispensable roles. The incentives should be designed in such a way that continuously motivates employees and recognizes both effort and achievement. Incentive compensation plans come with inherent tradeoffs; they are also excellent individual motivators for employees to succeed in the workplace and contribute significantly to the financial gain of the company. Incentive compensation packages also act as a tangible form of gratitude, ensuring that employees are properly rewarded for their diligence and dedication. Unfortunately, these incentive plans do not always work. Incentive programs require effort beyond normal job responsibilities, instead of rewarding excellent performance an execution of normal job duties. Yes, incentive plans motivate employees to earn more revenue; however, it inevitably teaches how to manipulate the system in order to obtain the desired results. In Arck’s Systems situation, Mynor noticed a discrepancy in compensation vs. productivity with Lux’s compensation package. He noted that the productivity levels simply did not match the payment level. The top sellers at Lux made 30 times more than the average salesperson, but were only 14 times as productive. The top sellers at Arck make for four or five times more than average and are four or five times as productive. Hence, Lux’s compensation plan seemed infeasible to Mynor. Mynor’s inability to full comprehend the Lux compensation plan stems from the fact that he is used to managing a sales team that focuses on selling technical hardware, which requires knowledge of the product and is pretty much straightforward. The sales of enterprise servers depend largely on the design of the product itself rather than a charming sales team. Conversely, selling enterprise software requires a â€Å"soft sales touch. † It requires the sales team to be able to convince prospective clients that their software is the best option currently available on the market. The irreconcilable differences between the products inescapably demand the need for different sales compensation packages. With Arck Systems and Lux Software, Inc. operating as two separate entities this poses no foreseeable conflicts. However, with Arck and Lux sales teams operating under one executive manager, conflicts will arise in the long run. Keeping the sales teams separate for the foreseeable future is wise because it allows Mynor to brainstorm, develop, and implement changes to the compensation packages that are fair and equitable to both sales teams. He needs time to develop a system to merge both sales teams without losing talent from either team. More importantly he needs to be able to implement these changes without negative reactions. Tweaking the compensation packages isn’t a simple task.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Perceptions Of Parents Towards Children With Disabilities Education Essay

Neinstein et Al. ( 2008 ) defined the term particular kids as those â€Å" who have or at increased hazard for chronic physical, developmental, behavioural or emotional status and who besides require wellness and related services of a type or sum beyond that required by kids by and large † ( p. 1057 ) . In the US, 54 million are disabled or 19 % of the entire population. Among kids between five and 17 old ages of age, merely 5 % had disablements ( American Community Survey, 2008 ) . The concern of this survey is how parents perceive the presence of a kid with disablements in the household. In affected households, the duties and demands in the household important addition manifold. The mode in which parents trade with the kid ‘s disablement warrants important attending in research since they are really vulnerable to emphasize. A better comprehension of the proposed survey will necessitate apprehension of two salient footings, emphasis and header. Stress, by definition is a menace or concern that is either existent or perceived from the outside universe impacting the parent when the demand exceeds the available resources. The response of the single towards emphasis influences the person every bit good as the environment ( Levine, 2005 ; Russell, 2007 ) . The emphasis theoretical accounts of Lazarus and Folkman described get bying as the accomplishments, resources, and experiences of an person in pull offing both internal and external demands of nerve-racking cases ( Knussen & A ; Sloper, 1992 ) . In visible radiation of published research on this capable affair, hurt is higher among 70 % and 40 % of female parents and male parents, severally. Furthermore, both parental hurt and household operation affect kids in assorted ways cognitively, behaviorally, and socially. When parents learn their kid is physically or mentally handicapped, their lives will alter well because it will be filled with strong emotions, complicated determinations, and relationships established with a figure of specializers and professionals. At first, parents would experience entirely and insulate themselves socially. They may non besides have the cognition to seek for support, apprehension, and aid ( Mc Gill, 2003 ) . Consequently, household members more frequently view sing marital strife, societal isolation and depression. Some parents suffer feelings of incredulity, deep unhappiness, self-blame, guilt while others feel helpless, unequal, angry, or shocked. It is demonstrated in surveies that the conse quence of the disablement is endured by the household as a unit. Measuring the perceptual experiences of parents will supply an chance in better apprehension how households regard the emphasis brought approximately by the presence of a handicapped kid in the household. The survey will be proposed by maintaining in head the fact that the figure of kids with disabilitiesis increasing worldwide. In assisting society go more cognizant of both physical and mental disablements, its assorted constituents should jointly collaborate after diagnosing of the kid ‘s disablement so surrogate credence of the state of affairs in the household. More and more households confront alone stressors and effectual methods of get bying should be taught. As health professionals, parents should foremost nail the job, measure the state of affairs, and pull off it in a mode in which the handicapped kid is good adjusted in the household and finally society so his or her accomplishments will be optimally used. Statement of the Problem In its effort to turn to issues associating to understanding household procedures, the aims of the survey will concentrate on look intoing the perceptionsof parents on the kid with disablements and documenting the assorted experiences of the parents as they encounter nerve-racking events in supplying for the demands of their particular kids. The intent of this survey is to derive cognition about the history of the household and the parents ‘ experience instantly after the diagnosing of her kid ‘s disablement. Specifically, this survey will supply replies to the subsequent aims: Profile the households with particular kids in footings of: type of disablement of kid ; figure of kids ; business of parents ; and gross monthly income of the household 2. Document the initial reactions when the parents discovered their kids ‘s disablements 3. Determine the attitude of the parents toward their kid with disablement 4. Determine the ways of get bying among the parentsof particular kids Significance of the Study The chief purpose of the survey is find the perceptual experiences of the parents whose kid is either physically or mentally handicapped. Consequences of the survey will be good to the followers: Family members. Rearing a particular kid is a difficult undertaking that may take to a batch of emphasis on the portion of the parent particularly the female parent. Successful header is critical, and one manner of get bying includes acquiring information from professionals, other parents, and written resources in order to larn about kid ‘s disablement, how to pull off their behaviour and demands, and how to happen resources that may profit the kid. This survey will break fit household members in better header with the demands of holding a particular kid. Academe. The findings of the survey may besides function as extra research literature in the survey of emphasis. Students would besides go cognizant of the status of kids with disablements and their female parents. With this information, appropriate intercession will be administered. Particular instruction instructors. Particular pedagogues are cognizant of the importance of working with the households of particular kids and seek really difficult to do the lives of their pupils ‘ parents easier. It is hard for particular pedagogues to plan educational ends for pupils with disablements that are realistic to the household. It is hard because particular pedagogues have small cognition of the household ‘s experience on which to establish determinations. It is hard to accurately construe the parent ‘s experiences or understand the household ‘s ends for their kid because the experience of the household is unknown to particular pedagogues. Parents of kids with disablements. The parents of kids with disablements will be the chief donees from the consequences of the survey. The intercessions that will be drafted is hoped to bring forth positive results taking to healthy and loving households. Definition of footings Autism. This term refers to a disablement characterized by impaired societal interaction, communicating and restricted, insistent behaviour. Cerebral paralysis. This term refers to the group of non-progressive, non-contagious conditions that cause physical disablement. Down syndrome. This term refers to the familial upset causes by the presence of all or portion of an excess chromosome 21. Gross monthly household income. This variable refers to the monthly income of the household. Hearing damage. This term refers to full or partial lessening in the ability to observe or understand sounds. Learning disablement. This term refers to a group of upsets that affect ability to talk, listen, read, compose, spell, ground, and form information. Mental deceleration. This term refers to a generalised upset, characterized by below mean cognitive operation and shortages. Occupation. This variable refers to the agencies of support of the male parents and female parents in the survey. Type of disablement. This variable refers to the damage of the kid which could be larning disablement, hearing damage, ocular damage, mental deceleration, behavioural job, autism, address defect, and intellectual paralysis. Conceptual/theoretical Model Harmonizing to Hussain and Juyal ( 2007 ) , the birth of a kid well affects household kineticss. Parents and other household members foremost undergo alterations in order to accommodate to the force per unit area of holding a new member. If the new household member is found to be disabled, household kineticss will be deeply affected. A handicapped kid typically is characterized with behavioural extremes, which in most cases shape parent-sibling interactions. Therefore the kid requires particular attention and adjustments. Families of handicapped kids differ in their societal attitude, behaviour, and strength of relationship in contrast to households whose kids have no physical or mental disablement. Family attempts to first construct consciousness on the job confronted by the kid, acknowledge it, hunt for its cause, so research further for cogency. Though holding a handicapped kid does non needfully bring forth crisis in the household, the stigma of the disablement imposed by society has an piquing consequence on the parents and the household as a whole. Normally the reactions are rejection, backdown, heartache, guilt, incrimination, denial or credence. Marcelino ( 2009 ) wrote that parents undergo five stages when covering with kids with disablements in the household. The first stage is termed the daze phase which is typically the instantaneous response of a parent after the diagnosing of their kid. In this phase, the parent may be asleep and unable to integrate or recognize the graduated table of the event. Furthermore, the parent may be disorganized emotionally, confused, paralytic, dubious, and irrational. The 2nd is referred to as the reaction stage which ischaracterized by heartache, unhappiness, and anxiousness. Parents may sometimes experience helpless, lost, and highly insecure of themselves. Some would experience that their aspirations for their kids have disappeared. Others would fall back to self incrimination claiming the the disablement is because of hapless child-rearing patterns. They may linger in this phase for rather some clip and go submissive to their destiny. More normally, this is called â€Å" denial stage à ¢â‚¬  since both blaming and choler are usual parental responses. The version stage is the 3rd phase characterized by parents holding come to footings with their bereavement and heartache and going aspirant in inquiring for possible solutions. It besides means that the parentsare ready to continue and amenable to therapy options for the kid. Notably, the parent believes that the kid ‘s disablement does non present a major barrier to be overcome but the quality of the kid which could either be an plus or liability. In the 4th phase called the orientation stage, parents feel more optimistic. They start to take action by forming, seeking aid and information and be aftering the hereafter of the kid. They more comfortably seek the company of support groups in school. This last phase implies that parents are prepared to turn to the challenges inherent in the kid ‘s disablement. Part of the challenges they face is their instruction. TheA Education for All Handicapped Children ActA was enacted in 1975 by President Gerald Ford which modified and improved Education for All Handicapped Act of 1974. In the 1974 Act, Title VI was expanded and confirmed by the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. The Education for All Handicapped Children Act is besides referred to as Public Law 94-142. The creative activity of jurisprudence was an enterprise to supply educational chances to kids with disablements non decently educated.A PL 94-142 motivated provinces to bring forth patterns and policies that facilitate pupils ‘ demands. To accomplish this terminal, provinces are required by the Federal authorities to implement the following which included: 1.A Zero Reject and Free and Appropriate Public Education which means that every particular kid has the right to be given free and appropriate instruction in public schools ; 2. Nondiscriminatory Identification and EvaluationA is important at this point in clip since many pa rticular pupils were non being acknowledged as kids holding particular demands ; 3.A The aim of the Individualized Education ProgramA is the proviso of a particular and single meaningful instruction for every pupil with a disablement ; 4. Supply pupils with disablements a scene with the least restrictive environmentA as this optimally profit this group of pupils ; 5.A Provide every person the right to lawfully dispute disablement plans in a due procedure of jurisprudence ; 6.A Parents or important others are required to take part actively in the kid ‘s educational enterprises as pointed by Slavin ( 2006 ) and Hunt and Kirk ( 2005 ) . Enacted and authorized in 1990 and 1997, severally, the Persons with Disabilities Education Act ( IDEA ) is a federal jurisprudence aimed at protecting pupils ‘ rights peculiarly those with disablements by guaranting they are provided with free and appropriate public instruction ( FAPE ) , despite the type of ability.A In add-on, IDEA does non merely strive toA every bit grant particular kids with educational chances but besides extra services in particular instruction every bit good as precautions in the process. A The services in particular instruction are individualized therefore they meet the demands alone to the kid with disablements and are implemented in an environment considered to be least restrictive. These services include the undermentioned: address, physical or occupational therapy, passage services, little group or single instructional, learning or curricular alterations and the similar. The proviso of these services is guided by an Individualized Education Progra m ( IEP ) which is seamster fitted to turn to the alone demands of single students.A A Children, three to 21 old ages old, who met the standards for eligibility in one of the 13 modification disablements, and necessitate specialised services due to the disablement can avail of the services under IDEA.A These disablements are considered: ocular damage such as sightlessness, traumatic encephalon hurt, linguistic communication or address damage, larning disablements, serious emotional perturbation, orthopedic damage, multiple disablements, mental deceleration, hearing damage, hearing loss, and autism. To measure up for the services, the pupil must possess the disablement adversely impacting school public presentation and necessitate particular instruction so that the appropriate instruction will be received. A Children measure uping the demands of IDEA will be given the adjustments and services tailored for their demands. Basically, IDEA states that when a kid is suspected to hold a di sablement, he or she is entitled to a comprehensive appraisal by a squad of experts from assorted subjects which is free of charge. If a particular instruction and related services are needed by the kid after thorough rating, the following measure is the execution of an Individual Education Plan ( IEP ) with mention to the kid ‘s specific needs harmonizing to the multidisciplinary squad along with the parents. Parents should function as advocators for their kid ‘s wellbeing so they become more cognizant of the adjustments and services he or she is needed of. The following are steps parents need to take to be effectual advocators: A 1. Parents should be armed with understanding sing the diagnosing of their kid, how it could impact or impact his or her educational calling and what possible class of action should be done to rectify the state of affairs ; 2. They should besides necessitate to understand the IEP of their kid. If parents have inquiries, they should non waver to inquire until the procedure will be wholly clear to them particularly how it will be helpful to the kid ‘s instruction. Parents should non subscribe the IEP unless they to the full understand and consent to its contents ; 3. It is besides of import for parents to hold a communicating with the kid ‘s instructor as instructors have the same concerns and challenges as parents. Parents should welcome any cha nce to discourse these affairs with the kid ‘s instructor ; 4. Any concern in footings of the academic public presentation or behaviour of the kid should be written. Parents can obtain these pieces of information from the school admin istators, instructors and other professionals ; 5. Parents should cognize their rights ; 6. Parents should actively fix their kid ‘s IEP or Section 504 program. They can supply suggestions or do their voices heard if they feel that an adjustment, nonsubjective or end is inappropriate ; 7.Parents need to carefully maintain records which could be ratings, advancement studies, communicating between the school and place, or any relevant written certification. Any missive sent to the school should be photocopied and maintain them in a well-organized mode ; 8. A healthy working relationship should be maintained between the parents and the school while strongly recommending for the public assistance of their kid ; 9. Any questions or concerns with respect to the kid ‘s advancement, IEP or 504 program should be communicated. Parents should put a meeting with the school to guarantee that they are updated and jointly address these concerns ; 10. Parents should steer and promote their kid to finish their prep every bit good as other undertakings in school. At present, the tendency in mental wellness research is the equal consideration on the saliency of the kid and whole household. Similarly, it is widely accepted in research that services should non merely be provided on the kid, but besides the household of the kid with disablement. Abundant research has demonstrated that parents whose kids are disabled are more stressed. However, literature has moreover shown that emphasis is non needfully a predictable result among these households ( Beresford, 1994 ) . In discoursing the subject of emphasis, it is indispensable to define the term â€Å" emphasis † . Lazarus ( 1999 ) as cited in Austin ( 2004 ) mentioned that the term has become a cant in several countries of research reflecting daily battles including anxiousness, depression, emotional hurt and the similar. Since the clip Selye coined the term, its definition has become the centre of argument ( Le Fevre, et Al. 2003 as cited in Austin, 2004 ) . Numerous definitions were presented concentrating on stressor, response, and mental and physical reactions triggered by the stressor ( Lazarus, 1999 ; Selye, 1993 ; Le Fevre, et Al. 2003 as cited in Austin, 2004 ) . Butler ( 1993 ) vividly presented these three definitions. In the first, emphasis is a consequence of overpowering force per unit area. When the sum of force per unit area increasingly becomes great, there is no uncertainty that the receiver will necessarily give and prostration. For the 2nd definition, emphasis is due to exposure to aversive stimulations which served as the chief thought of Selye whose measuring of emphasis is based on nervous system activity either on the sympathetic adrenal-medullary or pituitary-adrenal-cortical parts. Besides in his emphasis model is the general version syndrome ( GAS ) which is composed of three stages- dismay reaction, phase of opposition, and phase of exhaustion. The 3rd definition of emphasis lends a dynamic nature to emphasize w hich reflects the interplay of extrinsic and intrinsic factors. It was similarly maintained that cognitive factors play a important function in emphasis. In other words, an person ‘s appraisal of emphasis depends on his or her perceptual experiences of demands and resources. If a individual views his or her demands to be high and his or her resources are low, so it is really likely that the person will face emphasis. In connexion to this, another back uping theory is by Gallic et Al. ( 1974 ) which is the person-environment tantrum theory. It states that emphasis will be encountered if there is a mismatch between demands of the environment and personal properties. If a individual perceives that the undertaking in front is manageable, that he or she is able to carry through the undertaking, and is motivated towards its completion, so the individual will non see important sums of emphasis. The subject of emphasis is really well-studied and research on this respect has helped progress medical specialty, sociology, direction and psychological science ( Cummings & A ; Cooper, 1998 as cited in Austin, 2004 ) . In each of these subjects, emphasis theories and research methodological analysiss vary significantly sometimes taking to confusion ( Le Fevre, Matheny & A ; Kolt, 2003 as cited in Austin, 2004 ) . A cardinal to understanding stress research in all these subjects is the receiver ‘s perceptual experience while sing emphasis ( Goldberger & A ; Breznitz, 1993 as cited in Austin, 2004 ) . Chapter II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES The survey of Margalit, Raviv, and Ankonina ( 1992 ) observed that the header among parents whose kids were disabled were more avoidant thereby interrelatednesss with household members and personal growing is non really much emphasized. Miller et Al. ( 2002 ) studied the header of female parents of physically handicapped and non-disabled kids. The survey revealed that as extent of psychological hurt additions, get bying tended to be focused on emotions among female parents with particular kids. On the other manus, problem-focused header was correlated with a diminution in hurt. Both of the relationships were important after each type of stressor in parenting was controlled. The experiences of Chinese female parents in rearing a kid with Down syndrome were described by Lam and Mackenzie ( 2002 ) using a qualitative approaching among 18 respondents. In get bying with rearing emphasis, the female parents sought societal support, used autonomy and turning away schemes. In 2004, Virtanen and Moilanen demonstrated that female parents of kids with mental disablements coped actively by concentrating on the job and inquiring for aid from important others and the similar compared to the control female parents. Religion served as a get bying scheme among 12 parents whose kids had disablements. Interview excerpts showed assorted ways faith is utilized in get bying such as praying, go toing church, and believing certain spiritual philosophy were identified to be beginnings of strength and hope for the parents ( Bennett, Deluca, & A ; Allen, 2005 ) . Sari, Baser, and Turan ( 2006 ) investigated lived experiences of Turkish households holding kids with Down syndrome. Analysis was done qualitatively using interviews. Their research revealed that the presence of a kid with Down syndrome affected the households in the undermentioned facets, viz. societal, physical, economic, and emotional. In 2005, Hastings and co-workers implied that households with autistic kids employed four get bying schemes as follows: religious/denial header, positive header, problem-focused header, and active turning away header. Further analysis of collected informations strengthened the claim of possible gender differences in active turning away and problem-focused header. However, no grounds pointed out the type of get bying adopted by parents varied across age of the autistic kid. The findings of Gray ( 2006 ) showed that the figure of parents get bying by faith and other emotion-based schemes was higher compared to those trusting on the aid of particular instruction service suppliers, household support, invidualism, and societal backdown. Sen and Yurtserver in 2007 proved that the households they sampled had deficient cognition sing their kids ‘s disablement. Mothers were badly sad and claimed that their household relationships, employment, societal life, and fiscal capableness were affected significantly with holding a kid who is disabled. Among Chinese households, Chui and Chan ( 2007 ) found the frequent usage of reframing schemes while inactive assessment schemes were used irregularly. It besides appeared that the household members employed positive header mechanisms, which coincided â€Å" fatalistic voluntarism † , a alone Chinese emphasis get bying scheme. Chapter III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This chapter explains the research methodological analysis of the survey. First explained is the research design, followed by respondents of the survey, research scene, informations assemblage process, research instrument, and statistical intervention. Research Design The chosen attack in the survey will be phenomenography ( Marton, 1981 ; Marton, 1986 ; Marton and Booth, 1997 ) which is aimed at placing in a qualitative attack the perceptual experiences of parents towards kids with disablements. While the phenomenon that the single encountered may be wholly alone and multifaceted, some characteristics will be common and this will link them jointly. While this proposed survey will affect merely a little sample, the research will be an of import instance of how phenomenography can be utilized in analyzing the experiences of parents in extraordinary state of affairss and place what is common and alone in the experiences. Respondents of the Study The sample will dwell of 20 female parents in the country. These female parents should be caring for kids with disablements. The ground for the pick of female parents to be cardinal sources is that they play a polar function towards kids with particular demands by being proactively involved in assorted support groups and point of contact by establishments and bureaus. The female parents will be selected in the survey if they have complied with the with the inclusion standards as follows: a occupant of the country and must hold a kid with particular demands aged five to 17. To carry through this, a snowball attack will be carried out. In a sweet sand verbena sampling, the research worker will be in contact with initial participants bring forthing extra topics ( StatPac, 2007 ) . Sampling of the research topics will be made possible with the cooperation of the particular instruction plans in the country. Data Gathering Procedure Datas assemblage in phenomenography will be done through interviews which allow participants to freely depict their experiences ( Ashworth & A ; Ducas, 2000 ) . In each interview session the undermentioned inquiries will be asked: â€Å" How did you experience when you discovered your kid has a disablement? â€Å" , â€Å" What are your experiences in rearing a particular kid? â€Å" , â€Å" How make you get by with holding a kid with particular demands? † Other guide inquiries will be tapped to find the nature and extent of support female parents receive from others either from immediate or extended household members every bit good as the community the parent lives. Prompts such as, â€Å" Can you give an illustration of that? † and â€Å" Can you tell me more about that? † will be used to arouse rich descriptions of their perceptual experiences. The female parents ‘ ain reading of any inquiries dictated the form, class, and content of the interviews. Datas Analysis Phenomenographic analysis is a holistic procedure. The critical characteristics of the phenomenon ( or phenomena ) under probe are represented as classs of description ( Akerlind, 2002 ; Ryan, 2000 ) which can non be known in progress but emerge from the information. First, the interview notes were reviewed and studied carefully. Afterwhich, the research worker organized them harmonizing to the specific jobs in the survey and from each job, several subjects emerged. Penetrations and accounts for such consequences were supplied to supply a better apprehension of the responses. Statistical Treatment Creswell ( 1994 ) said â€Å" A qualitative survey is defined as an enquiry procedure of understanding a societal or human job, based on constructing a composite, holistic image, formed with words, describing elaborate positions of sources, and conducted in a natural scene. Alternatively a quantitative survey inquires a human or societal job, based on proving a theory composed of variables, measured with Numberss, and analyzed with statistical processs, in order to find whether the prognostic generalisations of the theory clasp true. † In a qualitative design, respondents in the survey will be asked to associate their experiences so the phenomenon will be interpreted. The strength of this method lies in its ability to â€Å" supply complex textual descriptions of how people experience a given research issue † . Through this method, the human side of a research job is highlighted which could include emotions, positions, sentiments, beliefs, and behaviours. An advantage o f qualitative research is its usage of open-ended inquiries that provides chance for cardinal sources to freely show their responses in their ain footings instead than holding them encircle from fixed picks as is the instance of quantitative research. The usage of open-ended inquiries guarantee that the replies have significance and culturally relevant. Likewise the consequences are unanticipated by the research worker and provides a richer and explanatory position. In qualitative research, aggregation and analysis of informations are done at the same time and make non continue in a additive manner ( Merriam, 1998 ) . Methods of analysing informations entailed written text, coding and classification of interviews and field notes ( Sells & A ; Smith, 1997 ) . The informations decrease methods of Miles and Huberman ( 1994 ) will be used in the analysis of informations which will get down with categorizing and form matching, exposing informations in the signifier of matrices, and pulli ng decisions and verifying. Ryan and Bernard ( 2000 ) presented a cryptography strategy which involved abbreviations, cardinal words, and Numberss that mark transitions in the information set. Codes that portion in relationship and content are combined forming larger bunchs or classs. Once coding is applied, constructs begin to emerge which will so be further analyzed in footings of how it is linked to the theoretical model. Because the survey will analyse multiple instance surveies, within- and cross-case analyses will be carried out ( Merriam, 1998 ) to find the subjects that are common among all the instances considered. In the within-case analysis, each instance will be treated as comprehensive instance in and of itself. Data will be coded and subjects will be identified. Once analysis of each instance is completed, a cross-case analysis will be employed to find the common subjects in all the instances.